
Listening to: Radio 3, as usual.

Reading: still Terry Pratchett. This time it’s Soul Music, which I don’t remember reading before. Lots of good jokes, although I wonder how many younger readers get some of them. (If you know who Blert Wheedown is, you’re old.)

Watching: we went to the panto last night. I’m not a huge fan of traditional panto, but this one was pretty good. A cast of hard working professionals rather than Z-list ‘celebrities ‘, and a version of The Twelve Days of Christmas which was the funniest thing I’ve seen for years. The grands adored it all, and that, of course, was the whole point. There is nothing like panto to enthuse children about live theatre: no other form of entertainment provides the spontaneity, the audience participation and the experience of being part of a large group of people having the time of their lives.

Making: I finished the last pair of socks and should have enough left to make another pair.

The band sampler makes steady progress, though it seems to be morphing into a journal as well. It’s still mostly patterns from Simple Stitch Patterns for Embroidery, with additions as I think of them.

Feeling: thankful. Today is Wensleydale’s 72nd birthday, and we have spent 45 years of that together, with relatively few cross words. I’m very grateful for that, and that the strength of our relationship has allowed us to face all the problems there have been this year with strength and, I think , courage. Thank you, W.

Anticipating: a quieter week next week, I hope.

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