The Sprint has ended…

So it’s back to textiles, in addition to my attempts at making things which might be described as art, which you can read about over here.

Specifically, back to my All Purpose OnGoing Sampler, or APONGS, which I’ve been keeping now for about 4 years, on and off.

It was inspired by 16th C band samplers, and by Sharon Boggon’s more recent one I work on it less than I used to, but it’s a good place to make experiments, play with ideas, or store the results of courses I’ve taken.

As you can see, it’s also an occasional diary. Yes, I had the dreaded text from the NHS, to say that I had shared the same space as someone subsequently diagnosed with Covid, so I would have to test myself.

That’s C for ‘clear’, by the way, i.e. I don’t, so far, appear to have the dreaded lurgi. There should be a second C as I have tested again today and all is well. (The red lines are temporary markings.)

The section above is a small colour experiment, based on an Instagram challenge by Este MacLeod. OK, I’m a couple of months late, and this is thread not paint, but I’m enjoying it and learning from it.

We went to Mottisfont during the week, a place we haven’t visited since before the first lock down. It was looking very autumnal, which inspired me to play around with the B&W settings on my phone camera. The sculptural shapes of the seed heads were wonderful.