
Listening: BBC Red Button – the background sound to the women’s Classique race from Ride London, which doesn’t appear to have a commentary. Yet. Ah, Simon Brotherton and Rochelle Gilmore have materialised.

Reading: Terry Pratchett, Pyramids. It’s not long since I read it but like Jane Austen, Pratchett can take many re-readings.

Watching: the women’s Classique race from Ride London, when it actually starts.

Making: I’ve completed my knitted ‘kimono’ – it looks OK on and will look better off when I’ve blocked it. As I must have some knitting for watching cycling and the last episode of Hidden tonight, so I’ve started a shawl with the Colinette ribbon I tried and failed to make a waistcoat out of some time ago. It’s just a simple two row pattern but I can’t get my brain round it, leading to much muttering, swearing and frogging.

I’ve returned to Anne Brandon Jones for the sampler, having got bored with whipping and lacing, although I learned that you can whip or lace almost any stitch, if you really must.

ICAD finishes on Tuesday: I’ve got a bit ahead of myself, since next week will be a little busy.

Feeling: delighted that Geraint Thomas has won the Tour, well deserved. We will probably celebrate with a drop of Penderyn tonight.

Anticipating: more Tour and Ride London tomorrow, then the European Championships in Glasgow and then the Vuelta. All of which we will have to fit round grandparenting, as I haven’t got the grands hooked yet.

Visiting: as we didn’t have the them this week, we managed two visits. One was to Southampton Art Gallery, to see Kelly Richardson’s Pillars of Dawn, it’s digital art, about which I know very little, but which I found interesting, especially the video. We also looked at A Saints Collection, art from the collection selected by staff and players from the football club. As you might expect it was quite varied, but included several of my favourites it was good to see again.

Then we went to see Agnes Martin at Winchester Discovery Centre. I first came across Martin on a visit to Tate years ago, when her cool calm work stood out amongst work that shouted so much louder but didn’t attract me as much. It was good to see more of her work, which didn’t disappoint. (Although the lack of rock cakes in the cafe did!) You may be able to see the influence of Martin in the last few ICAD cards.