And another of those weeks…

Because almost nothing turned out as expected, and, I think, because we tried to cram too much in on a couple of days.

Cheese Minor has had Covid – not badly, he’s been bored rather than ill – but it meant we weren’t needed for grandparenting. So we had two ‘free’ days, which ought to have been a great opportunity, but weren’t. We did squeeze in a couple of walks, and my Covid booster, so that was good, but it all seemed a bit rushed and hassled. So it was good to spend the Wednesday at home, and I even managed a bit of embroidery.

We interrupt this blog to bring you breaking news. This

Just fell off this. Audibly.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Thursday was busy but less hassled until the evening, when I realised that the click and collect I’d picked up from M&S that day was not my leggings, but someone else’s cardigan. They’d given me the wrong thing. So that meant going back on Friday, to return the cardigan and try to collect the leggings.

Lots of apologies for the staff at M&S, who seemed quite surprised and grateful that I’d brought the cardigan back. So much so that they gave me a box of chocolate biscuits for my trouble!

Yesterday we had the fun of Storm Arwen. Lots of rain, a bit of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ snow, and the lid of the water butt decided to go walkabout, though we’ve managed to find it. No other damage, thankfully. I may miss the trees we had at our previous house, but I don’t miss worrying on windy days, about whether they will come down, and where.

Can you spot the snow?

This morning was beautiful, sunny and calm

But blooming cold. When I went out the water in the butts was frozen – in both of them, so I don’t think the absence of the lid made any difference. The Met Office is warning of ice tomorrow morning, but – no grandparenting, no need to go out till it’s thawed.

I miss the ‘little’ ones, though.

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